Friday, May 9, 2008

Paint Your...

Before we got here I experimented with MS Paint and also played with tone, etc and and then cropped down to this.

I like Microsoft Office Picture Manager because it crops precisely and because it has good color manipulation and reliable contrast editing functionality. I used the app to modify to look as the image below.

MS Paint is a simple program and in that ability lies its calm beauty - you cannot be flashy with it unless irrational. The software Paint,.net blows Paint out of the H2O, but Paint still has a couple of features I use. For example top overlay areas with white sections. Pure white areas can be made transparent when pasted.

I made the image, below, by playing with various contrast and brightness features in Microsoft Office Picture Manager. Nice thing is you can modify *bleach)the mid tones.

The image above was created to use for "copying and pasting" into the original image. The altered image, below, includes some additional edits after the paste. To do this I "selected all" in bleached version and then "copied and pasted" into the regular image. You can m,pve the overlay around.

For the white in the "paste" to become transparent, you need to select the lower "paste" icon in MS Paint (see box and arrow). This "paste" box only pops up when you paste.

Final as posted in typos:

Remember to "save as" when using Microsoft Office Picture Manager and then do not save when prompted as you close the program.

MS Paint "save as" is a wonderful cautious step since you can only "undo" the last three edits within MS Paint, whether those edits are large or small.

Creating this started slowly - a lot of work before the image at the top. Then it started flowing and it became a dance.

Have fun. OK, we have thirty seconds before the bell to answer any question.


lebanesa said...

oh Siiiiiiiiiiiir! wine wine

I like the poetry of your blog.

disobediently queries may tag along later

lebanesa said...

earlier query than expected

do you think any of the other paint progs would do on my Mac? Corel thingie? I have very few MS anythings which will work on my beautiful machine. I also have a Gimp - (this isn't personalinfo)

Anonymous said...

ringo knows nothing about apple, funny, other than the record label and then that iPod.

The Artful Eye said...

I'm going to hang in the back of the class and see what it is you do.

I'm still in awe you are using MSPaint. I think I have accidently fired up this app and never gave it much credence. You've had smashing success. I won't turn my back on PS too powerful, so much to learn. I'm still with training wheels on my Mac and with new PS (infant version)

Don't have replacement yet for full PS on my Mac. Too many $$$.

Promise I won't cause too much trouble. I don't pick fights and play nice.

Anonymous said...

I have tried sir. it was good. i used miniphotoshop.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, please write on the blackboard 100 times:

"I am not Anonymous. Youa re Anonymous."

Do not use cut and paste.