Below is the background image - a number of steps were taken to get here, but let's consider this the "the bones" of the final composition. This image provides the "bar codes" like element. Note that this image includes a lot of repetiton - something I tend to do since I am quite "lazy." Cheap trick.
This image - an edited version of the Bev photo - was used. Color hue, saturation and contrast was also manipulated on this image by using and, more likely, MS Office Picture Manager. Manager gives you the greater tool set, but is applied to the entire image.
I copies parts of this image (magic wand) and also played with the color and brightness of these snippets...
This is a separate image that was being worked on and later used to combine multiple images into one...
Note color variations play and experimentation. This image is too apocalyptic.
At one point a parallel image became very abstract. Dead end, start over. There were a lot of "undo's" - where you "save as" and then "undo" using MS Paint only allows you to undo three edits.
I then added some representational elements by using parts of the abstract image, etc on an interim image. The image, below, is close to the final, but for some color modifications. My daughter, Mariana, came to the computer and her comments assisted with the final compositional edits.
Final image that ends drought.
A variation, less sedate, can be found
here.... sometimes there is a nice or a ripe brie in the basement.